Learn which surface technology best suits your product

Coating, painting, galvanizing, anodizing, thermal spraying, and electroplating; these are just a few of the many options for surface treatments. But which surface technology is the best fit for your product?

In-depth knowledge isessential

The choice you make is closely related to the materials used for the surface or product to be treated. In-depth knowledge, for example, in areas such as corrosion and oxidation, tribology, operating conditions, and properties, is essential in this regard.

Set the right requirements for your surface

In every design, construction, or manufacturing process, it's important to establish the right requirements for the surface. Consider criteria related to wear or corrosion resistance, surface treatment, and coating, as well as physical or optical properties.

Our courses on Surface Technology delve into these aspects in detail, teaching you how to set the right requirements. This way, you can choose the correct combination of material type and surface treatment.

Understanding surface degradation

For instance, the course Modern Surface Technology provides insight into the processes that can degrade a surface. You'll become familiar with common surface treatment techniques, gaining valuable knowledge to make the right combination of material type and surface treatment.


If you're looking to get inspired, share knowledge, and network with experts in the field of surface technology and other technical topics, take a look at our events calendar. We offer a wide range of knowledge and networking events.

Get Started!

Get started and discover which surface technology is the best fit for your product.

Courses in sub-area Surface technology